
A World In Music – Audio CD to accompany Vol. 1 “West Africa”

$ 15.99


This CD is needed to use the  print resource manual “A World In Music – West Africa”. It is available at lower cost through the bundled version. It contains 49 tracks of examples to help the teacher plan the use of material, and some to use in class. Tracks  illustrate rhythms, instrumental entries in various levels of ensembles, story, songs and concepts.

Product Description

This CD is for use with Vol. 1 “West Africa” from the series A World In Music.  It is best purchased bundled with the book, at lower cost. Some tracks are designed for teacher preparation for activities from the book, while others illustrate musical examples and allow students to practise with the CD. The book and CD use ideas from other groups in West Africa to allow students to become aware of sounds and to use instruments and voices as part of sound creation in various applications – tonal languages, children’s rhymes and fingerplays, a Yoruba story, various levels of ensembles and songs.  As in forthcoming volumes on other music cultures, the book has detailed directions for teaching, sample worksheets to copy, and audio CD examples and notation for teachers to use in their own learning, and in demonstrating to students.  It suggests sources for other print and audio music resources.

ISBN (CD): 978-0-9939830-1-6


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